About Me

Gina Forchelli

I am a licensed psychologist and pediatric neuropsychologist specializing in pediatric neuropsychological, psychological, and education assessment of children, adolescents, and young adults with complex neurodevelopmental, psychological, and behavioral concerns.  I have completed training across multiple settings and specialized training as a school psychologist and pediatric neuropsychologist. My clinical interests focus on supporting children and adolescents with complex neurocognitive, medical, psychiatric, and academic profiles access the support required for them to reach their fullest potential.  

I received a dual B.A.in psychology and music at Muhlenberg College.  I completed her M.Ed. in School Psychology at Teachers College-Columbia University.  Before returning to complete my Ph.D., I worked as a school psychology intern within the White Plains School District in NY.  My Ph.D. was completed at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and postdoctoral training in pediatric neuropsychological assessment at the LEAP at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School.  I hold clinical and faculty appointments at MGH and Harvard Medical School.   

In my private practice, I complete neuropsychological evaluations. I am not currently accepting therapy patients. My private practice is located in Wellesley, MA. While I have experience working with children ages 3-years and up, I specialize in school age children to young adulthood. 

Want more helpful information to improve you or your child's psychological, educational, or social health, please follow me on Twitter:  @DrFHealthyMinds